Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dedicated to abah

post 15 : wrote on Wednesday, November 7th, 2007. until now, aku nak menangis bila baca post nie..aku teringat abah aku.

abah n me..

last monday, me and my abah drove out to find sumthing to eat since my mum and meme lazy to cook (tired cos we just came back from mandi sungai kat janda baik).on our way to any restaurant that we can’t think of that time,i gave sum comments about new condos built on top of tmn melawati former hills and forest which used to be our most admired scene last time(sebab blakang umah aku). the price of that condos is starting from 1.4 million. WOW kan?!! abah cakap most of the buyers are the foreigners espetriage (or anyhow it was spell)..so i guess, the condos will be the next nice view after diminishing our forest tu la..anyway,itu bukanla the main story,i was just saying to my abah about how lucky those peoples to own a house with that big price.mesti kaya sangat sampai tak tau nak buat apa dgn duit tu. tetiba, abah reply,"kakja, kita jgn tengok apa yang orang lain ada,tapi kita tgk apa yang kita ada tapi orang lain takde…".immediate lepas abah cakap aku rasa cam sayu. betul cakap abah tu..kalau kita tgk apa yang orang lain ada..kita pun terasa cam nak ada…so kita pun nak berlumba2 dgn orang tu..tapi kalau kita tgk apa yang kita ada dan orang lain takde,ianya akan buat kita insaf,we have enough food to eat, cloths to wear,shelter to live,tapi…orang yang tak berkemampuan,makan tak cukup,baju pn berkongsi,rumah beratapkan langit…sedihkan.i hope to myself, lepas nie i will not only see the beautiful part,but to see both, so that i may learn the life lesson well.apa yang abah cakap tu memang betul. aku slalu quarell dgn abah dari kecik sampai besar with so many thingss..tapi aku percaya apa yang abah cakap..semua btul.sebab dia kan abah. he always knows what’s the best for his childrens.

Siti Zulikha Says: November 10th, 2007 at 9:08 am edit
A’ah betul la abah ko cakap.Ko ingat tak masa kita study kat oversea laut china selatan (UNIMAS heheh)? Waktu tu susah giler aku rasa…kalau tengok orang lain yang mewah,angkat phone…keperluan dikirim sgera…memang aku rasa,aku lah paling kecik sekali dibandingkan orang lain..(memang aku kecik pun fizikalnya heheh). Orang lain ada,kita pun rasa nak ada…mak aku pun pernah cakap macam abah ko cakap dulu.Itulah yang buat aku bertahan,sampai habis. Aku buat seadanya dan termampu dek ringgit dalam poket.Dan aku pun rasa bertuah ada kawan2 disekeliling terutamanya kau.Walaupun pernah lidah umpama lagi tergigit,tapi kita tetap seperti isi dan kuku.Susah,nangis bersama…senang pun diraih bersama.Tapi kita memang suka tengok bende cantik nur..hehe sampai perempuan cantik punkita dok tengok heheh…kononnya terpaku dek kewibawaan menjaga kecantikkanya la tu…hehehe (bukan lesbian ek). Daripada aku dok merepek panjang lagi…kesimpulannya…”Pak Lazim,Ika pun setuju sangat juga la. Memang patut dijadikan pedoman untuk generasi muda yang macam kami ni…”. Pendek kata, kalau nak ikut apa yang orang lain ada…boleh hilang kawan,sedara dan keluarga dek taksub berlumba mengejar yang kita sendiri belum tentu mampu nak ada…lebih baik kita kelolakan apa yang kita ada,biar berdikit2 lama 2 jadi bukit. Kawan kita masih ada,sedara masih erat n keluarga tetap terjaga.betul tak nur semaduk?…
Ha..jangan lupa wedding aku…hehehe

Nur Says: November 11th, 2007 at 2:06 am edit
yolahh..yolahh..insap aku!

zariah Says: November 15th, 2007 at 8:01 pm edit
In reply to your post, I totally agreed with you n your dad… gini citernye..I’ve encountered some rough patches a week ago..Biasalah kan marital life..is never about you ..yourself `alone’ anymore. it’s mainly bout `us’.. There were hurtful words spoken..things melayang and hearts wounded…and it stayed with me for a couple of days.. and I was ready to prolong the situation and wanted to mengadulah to the housewives club…then I read bout your blog and encountered other horrible things that happened to others and dengan humblenye dan malunya realised that there are other people with greater problems and obstacle compared to my itsy bitsy tiny marital woes….and instantly I felt grateful with what I have n tak jadi mengadu..hahah. So moral of the story is be grateful with what we have, and if we decide to own or have certain things in life is becoz we want to not bcoz others have it n we dont.. aku pun insap. Thanks Nur..aku add ko dlm facebook ok.

Nur Says: November 20th, 2007 at 7:49 pm edit
hahahhaa..oo kak ct..!bangga lak i bila my blog boleh solvekan skit your prob.ehehhe

double Says: December 7th, 2007 at 9:14 am edit
seronok dgr cerita org kelulusan tinggi tinggi ni

Nur Says: December 8th, 2007 at 9:34 pm edit
apa yang tingginyaa..takde tinggi2..semua samala double.akhirnya kita ke tanah jugak..

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